24 novembre 2007

New York Gibberish I & II

New York Gibberish I & II


It's made of stone, and steel, and soul,
It’s gray, blue, red and green and whole.

It’s dirt and dust and burst and scruff,
Pins and needles and spoons and stuff.

Bricks, glass, tar, glowin’ spires,
Old Gypsy cabs with flat tires,

Earth, clay, land even Mudd Club,
Broadway ripped out ticket stub,

Cold winters and hot summers,
Fire escapes through the ladders,

Botoxed has beens with no future,
Pearls, gold, jewels, Upper East fur,

It’s all monsters and living deads,
Paper and noise and dirty shades,

It’s also loved by shooting star,
The day Salinger lost the war.


John, Sterling Maureen and Lou,
To explode plastic like the flu!

Siamese cat Village voice Bob,
To teach best tunes to Jersey mob!

Black kid painter homed in the Park,
Makes copyright sign his birthmark!